The hills definitely haven’t gotten any easier, but I have adapted a bit more to the campus. We are about seven weeks into the first semester and I still don’t feel like Geneseo is home, but I guess that may take time. I miss my hometown, especially the people, like family and friends. I have gone home most weekends being here, and my parents say that’s probably not the best thing for me since I should be getting used to staying over the weekend if I want to adapt to the environment. Sometimes, I can’t help it because I miss everyone so much that driving home seems like the best thing to do. Although my family is dearly missed, I do enjoy most of the activities on campus, including club lacrosse and cheer.
Cheer and lacrosse have brought amazing people to my attention and we are becoming closer every day, which is nice. I think I am starting to find “my people” because there are a few on campus I always want to spend my time with and be around. While spending time with those people, I have become comfortable with being uncomfortable. I get out of my comfort zone a lot now because new experiences and adventures come my way. I’ve learned a lot of things about being an adult, especially when I have to do things myself I have never done by myself before. The laundry, sometimes grocery shopping, and knowing when to get to bed. It’s all a lot, but I am getting better and better at those tasks each time.
My classes have definitely kicked up the workload since the first few weeks-nothing that can’t be handled, but a little bit more than I had expected. Although there is a lot of work, I am loving all my courses and my professors. The materials in my courses are making it enjoyable to learn and do some of my homework. I definitely think college work, in general, is more about effort than length because most of my assignments are short, but require very in-depth thought. In high school, I used to be able to just sit down in a noisy setting and get my work done easily with no problems, but my college coursework is a little different. I can’t really be surrounded by loud or distracting noises and sometimes I need help finishing my work. I definitely ask for help a lot more now than I did because I know if I don’t understand my material now, I will never get a hold of it. My study habits have also changed in the past few weeks as well. Knowing that most of my tests and exams in college are a huge percentage of my final grade, I know I have to prepare myself for success. I make sure to study at least a week before the test or exam, so if I have any questions, there will be time to ask my professors.
One of my favorite classes I am taking now is INTD 105 (a writing seminar.) Class is very interesting for me and I am never distracted or bored in the classroom. As of right now, we are reading the play American Tet as a class together. I have learned about military life already and how veterans, as well as the people close to them, deal with that sort of pain. I have started to connect with this play because one of my best friends actually just finished boot camp for the Marines. I know it may not all be the same, but it is preparing me for when he comes back home from deployment. Sometimes, the topics or discussions we have in class make me worry about him and how he will do in his deployment. He will be gone for five years when he leaves in about three weeks. He will only get to come home one month a year, which is pretty crazy, but it is better than not seeing him at all. I am becoming more and more familiar with the life of a soldier and how it can affect the people who love them the most. That is why INTD 105 is my favorite course so far because I am learning useful things for real life. I have no problem doing any of the coursework because I enjoy doing it and I am mostly never confused as well.
Now, by the end of my first semester, I hope not to have fallen on the icy hills of Geneseo, but mostly, I hope that I can call Geneseo “home.” I hope to have found “my people” and fully adapted to my new everyday routine. I hope not to miss home as much as I do now. I want to be able to look forward to going back to college when I am home on breaks. My grades should have gotten better by the end of the semester while keeping a GPA higher than 3.7. I would also like my test and exam scores to be better than before, as I will keep studying and trying new ways until I find one that works the best for me. I also hope to see myself getting more involved on campus while joining more clubs and associations.