My Update for You! 

My sophomore year has been flying by. It is hard for me to believe that it is already October. Fall is my favorite season, so I embrace it here at Geneseo. The campus has a different vibe as the leaves are falling off the trees, turning different colors, and the weather is fantastic. Going on walks through campus is relaxing and scenic. I have begun to meditate and journal to keep my mental health as good as my physical health. Focusing on this has helped me manage stress better, find clarity on issues, and better understand my emotions. It has also allowed me to practice gratitude and be mindful of my thoughts and feelings.

My first dance performance of the season was the last weekend of September, during the women’s soccer game. I was so nervous, but as soon as I got on the field, all my nerves disappeared, and I had a blast. The new babies on the team got to watch us perform and celebrate with us afterward. The only downside there is the weather. Our last performance was canceled because of the rain, and we hope that does not happen with the next one. We have more games to come this fall, which is very exciting. Fall is my favorite season, mainly because of the scenery. I love nature, and seeing all the leaves turn different colors boosts serotonin for me before winter hits. Along with fall, I look forward to the opportunities to perform and create memories with my team. I’m also looking forward to the other events that will take place, like Halloween. I will be here that Friday to dress up with my roommates and friends coming from my hometown. We will be Disney princesses, which I have not done since I was 6. I’m going home on Saturday, and my boyfriend and I will be Power Rangers. He is having a party at his house, and we will decorate it and make it look awesome. I also look forward to that because decorating is right up my alley!

There are no complaints from me about my courses so far! I have been working so hard and am now beginning to feel accomplished. The workload has started getting heavier, but it is possible with good time management for my work and expected dates. This month, I have a total of 4 exams already being prepared for, and I have taken two exams so far, with a score that I was proud of. I’m also using online resources to help me stay focused and productive. Using Quizlet to study and test my knowledge has been an enormous help. I’m scheduling time to study and take breaks to relax by using a planner, planning my days each night, and making a weekly calendar. I’m determined to make it through this month with flying colors. My mom’s friend Michelle, who works at St. John Fisher College, comes down every Tuesday to help me get a good schedule and ensure all of my classes are up to date. She checks my grades and helps me stay on track. She always offers to give me extra help when needed.

I have connected to several of the readings in this course, referring to a reading by Karen Malpede when she was comparing wars, looking back on the war and how different it is from war today. I like to keep updated on what is happening in our world; now, it is scary.  Reading about wars in the past helps us understand how wars have changed and how they will continue to change in the future. It is essential to stay informed and be aware of current events in order to make informed decisions and take action when needed. I have gained a deeper understanding of the material by combining the readings with the concepts discussed in the course.

By the end of the semester, my expectations include several things. My main hope is to have a strong feeling of accomplishment. I hope to have a better understanding and appreciation of the subject matter. I want to understand better why I am studying psychology and where I want to see myself. I feel a little lost right now for what I want to do with my future, but I will take the necessary actions to get me on the path of  “figuring it out.” I put that in quotations because every adult tells me they still are “figuring it out.”  I also hope to apply the knowledge I have gained to future situations. Ultimately, I anticipate a positive and successful outcome from the courses.

My life So far

My name is Anna P. Conrad. I am 19 and a sophomore at Suny Geneseo. I was born and raised in Lewiston, NY. It is a small, peaceful town, which Geneseo reminded me of when I first toured. Often, when people ask where I am from, I just tell them Buffalo because most people do not know where Lewiston is. I am the oldest of three children. I have a sister who is a senior in high school this year and a brother who is in 7th grade. My parents are divorced, and I live with my mom, but my dad is still my ride-or-die. Last year, I decided to try out for the Geneseo dance team called Knightline. It was one of the best decisions I have made here. I have made many new friends and memories while doing what I love. Compared to living in Suffolk last year, Ontario is way better and feels closer to classes. Things I love to do are dancing, gardening, painting, and Volleyball. I have learned to keep the mind, brain, and soul active for my good. Keeping the mind, brain, and soul active can help to improve concentration, creativity, and memory. It can reduce stress, improve mental health, and increase well-being. I am sure Geneseo will give me a journey full of unique opportunities.

It is my third week into my sophomore year, and already love it more than last year. The heat sucks at first, but as long as you always have fans on you, it is manageable…., kind of. I’m still trying to organize my room and prepare for classes the first week of school. There are new people in my suite this year, but there are still four of us. We get along very well and have fun together. Since I live so close to home, I’m able to go home and help out at my family’s restaurant. Dance started the third week of school, which I was so excited for. We practice on Sundays and Tuesday evenings. My roommate is one of the coaches on the team, which is fantastic. I have also become more organized with my classes and homework. I am enjoying the new challenges and experiences that come with college life and learning new skills. A big part of what I love about this year is the people surrounded by me. Everyone is supportive and encouraging, making it easy to take risks and try new things.

My major is Psychology, and I love it. I am taking four classes this semester, all of which I love. It plays a significant role in the success of writing. There will be classes and professors you will not like, but it is how you take that experience and learn from it. I understand my academic goals better and am more motivated to reach them, making my classes more enjoyable. I have class every day of the week, but it is an excellent schedule for me.

The expectations for INDT 105 are apparent. It is a safe zone to express your thoughts and opinions respectfully. Participation plays a considerable role. Everyone is expected to contribute to the discussion, even if your opinion may differ from the majority. Everyone should feel comfortable to express their ideas and opinions. Respect for others’ views is vital to having a productive discussion. Attendance and Participation are each fifteen percent of my grade. We need to have three Writing Learning Centers (W.L.C). appointments and complete the plagiarism online workshop by the end of the semester. Lastly, we have our final presentation. We do journals, which help collect information about what we do in and out of class. We will be writing three blogs this year: the first for the beginning of the semester, the second for the middle, and the third for the end. I am enjoying this class. Since my major is psychology, I already know about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and mental health.

I have learned many different things and made connections throughout reading the book They Say, I Say. Making mental notes comparing the author’s statements to my writings as I read has helped me improve2 my writing. For example, the significance of saying “ they say” before “ I say” stresses the importance of listening to what other people say. It is essential to provide all the information the reader needs since the writer cannot assume the reader is familiar with the subject matter. I learned how important it is to analyze a text to understand the writer’s POV. This book offers helpful insights into what motivates a writer’s arguments. I learned different word skills that will help with my writing strategies and learned about the social sciences. I can link an argument to something more significant that readers already regard as essential and identify some readers interested in your claims. As a writer, I will eventually be able to write precisely and well-organized. So far, this book has taught me a lot about my writing skills, and I have pointed out what I need to improve.

My hopes and expectations are very high for the rest of this semester. A good routine is in place for me. This includes even the simple things like getting in three full nutritious meals a day, getting up early, and drinking lots of water. In only four weeks, I have noticed incredible improvements in my grades and effort. Procrastinating is being worked on and used to hold me back. There are high hopes for all my classes, and I am excited to see my personal growth during the rest of this semester.