As I reach the halfway point in my first semester at Geneseo, I feel like I am finally settled into living here in Geneseo and I am into the groove of keeping track of all of my classes. I have branched out more and I have made some new friends besides the people who live on my floor. I have met some new friends from my running club and I have made friends with a girl who is in four out of my six classes with me. I spend most of my time with the friends that I have made through Running Club. I have gotten to know them just from having conversations with them while on runs. Several of my friends and I from the running club ran in a 5k in Rochester a couple of weeks ago. It was a lot of fun and definitely a memorable experience. After the 5k we all got brunch at a diner. Once brunch was finished we all went our separate ways except my one friend and I ended up going around to different stores in the area trying to find different props to get for our Halloween costumes. Overall, it was such a fun day and definitely a memorable experience.
My classes have been alright so far. My psychology class is easy in the sense that the professor provides what notes we have to take. He has a slideshow that we have to print up the slideshow and just fill in the blanks in our notes that are in the slideshow. I had my first exam for psych the other day. I think it went okay. I had a hard time figuring out what information I needed to study. Now that the first exam is over with, I now have an understanding of how the exams work for that class and for the future, I will do a better job of preparing for my exams. I am enjoying my dance class. I think that might just be my favorite class! I am not by any means a good dancer but I find it interesting to be learning about all of the different styles of dance. So far I have learned how to do Greek dancing, African dancing, The Charleston, and tap dancing. A lot of my friends are in this class which makes it even more fun!
My math class has been going pretty good as well. Math has never been my strongest subject in school but I have been working hard in order to understand what we are learning about and I have been doing very well on the tests so far. There still has not been much happening in my Intro to Education class because it is once a week, but so far, the professor has just been explaining how the education program works here at Geneseo. In my LLC class that has to do with volunteering, we are learning about effective altruism and taking notes on it. It doesn’t seem like we will be doing any volunteer work until towards the end of the semester.
So far, Theater: Therapy For Veterans has been going pretty well for me. Unfortunately, I have not been able to connect to the readings. I have always enjoyed writing so I really like that I get to take a writing seminar class this semester to improve my writing skills. Unfortunately, I am unable to relate some of the readings to my personal life, but I still have been enjoying them and learning more about how theater can be used as a source of therapy for veterans. I have also gained some good writing tips from some of the readings, such as They Say, I Say.
I am hoping that by the end of this semester, I will be better about having good time management especially when it comes to balancing time between when I am doing my homework and studying and spending time with my friends. Since it is my freshman year, I am aware that it is important to get out there and make friends. Almost every night, the people who live on my floor will hang out in the hallway at this table that is right next to my room and we all chit-chat. Sometimes I find myself hanging out with the people on my floor instead of getting my work done and I will end up staying up late doing my homework in order to get it in on time. I know that I should be prioritizing my work, but I am also trying to build friendships. Sometimes I feel like I should be focusing more on my schoolwork rather than my social life but I am passing all of my classes, so I feel like I am doing just fine managing my time when it comes to my social life and my schoolwork. In the beginning of the semester, I felt a lot more homesick than I do now. I think that is because I am from the Rochester area so I only live 45 minutes away from Geneseo. With that being said, my parents did not want me coming home for the first month of college and I feel like not being able to see my family for a month was very difficult. Once the first month of college was finished, it was strange because I was very happy to come home for a weekend but after a little while I had wanted to go back to Geneseo because I missed the sense of having independence and I missed being able to see my friends. Now I only really go home if I have a reason that I need to go home. For example, I went home one time because I had purchased movie tickets for a movie that they were only showing in AMC Theaters. The closest AMC Movie Theater to Geneseo is about twenty minutes from my house.