Unfolding A New CHapter

Hello…again. I am now mid-way through my first semester of college at SUNY Geneseo. That being said, I am delighted with my decision to come here. From a social life perspective, I’ve made many friends and acquaintances who always seem to put a smile on my face. Having that freedom to hang out with them anytime I’m free is very amusing. It’s amusing because I can basically do whatever I want with my free time. I’ve gone for bike rides, played soccer, watched movies and hung out with new friends. Hanging out with kids my age brings me joy. The basketball season started two weeks ago. I am adjusting well to the new coaches and teammates I have been presented with. Bonding with my teammates has become extremely easy because we all have similar interests. Spending a lot of time with them has made it easier to play with them. Although many view the juggling of an athlete and a student to be rigorous, I’ve rarely had any problems with it. Staying on top of work in college is extremely important. I always stick to my mother’s saying, “Once the work is done, go have fun.” I’ve kinda stuck by that motto and it has allowed me to successfully have fun while still maintaining high academic grades. The first half of the first semester has treated me well and I will continue to look forward to the rest of the semester for a place I can truly call home.

I entered the beginning of the semester as undecided. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. The first semester has allowed me to give it some good thought. My major will be going into early childhood education. That has drawn the most interest to me. The courses I am taking right now have been a good starting point for my future college education. I am taking all general education classes this semester. They have been going smoothly. I also feel like my High School academic experience set me up well for the expectations of a college course. The workload has not been too much and I have much more free time on my hands.

This course has been helping my writing abilities. Being able to closely analyze texts in class and look for deeper meanings in these texts allows for a better student to blossom. For example, while studying Greek tragedies, we looked at them from a certain perspective of not “just a story.” We opened our minds to correlations between those tragedies and ex-military veterans who struggle to live with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I personally was not able to connect with the tragedies from a sense of being in the military, but just the overall aspect of failure and loss in life leads to learning. It teaches us life lessons. Having the ability to connect to a text is important for understanding the overall aspect.

By the end of the semester, I see myself as a better reader and writer while also being a better communicator. Enhancing my reading skills by the end of the semester will be something that will elevate me in all of my courses. Becoming a better writer comes with time and practice- it doesn’t just happen overnight. So, I think this course is allowing me to broaden my writing skills. Although it was at the beginning of the semester, the They Say, I Say book helped me become a better communicator.

I am truly looking forward to the rest of the semester. My courses are going smoothly and it’s only a couple more days until basketball season is in full swing, which will take up a good amount of my time. I look to continue my success in my academics and athletics as the semester continues. Having welcoming professors along with welcoming teammates makes it easy to enjoy my time here. Geneseo is home for now and I’m enjoying it.

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