Image of outdoor clock on Geneseo campus taken by Keith Walters.


We’re students reflecting on our first-year experience at SUNY Geneseo.

We’re doing this in connection with Geneseo’s first-year seminar in critical writing and reading, INTD 105. Every section of INTD 105 can have its own subtitle. In Fall 2024, the students writing here are enrolled in two sections of Professor Beth McCoy’s INTD 105: Risks, Rewards, Rent-paying.

We’re using this space to connect our work in the classroom to what’s going on in our lives right now. Dr. McCoy is helping us draft, revise, and improve our efforts to use writing as a tool for self-reflection and integrative learning.

While we work on preparing our initial posts for Fall 2024, we suggest you sample the posts from Fall 2023 below.

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